Sunday 5 January 2014

Writers and Social Media

As a self publishing writer, I find it very hard to select the most effective social medium to advertise my books.  Of course, not every writer possesses the skills of a marketing expert from the start and some of us belong to generations long born before the internet. There is not only the obstacle of learning all about the technicalities, but also the fear of information being spread out to the wrong people instead of to those you had in mind to be targeted. All in all, a very tricky thing, this internet. Following the advice of my 8 grandchildren - what's the point in writing if nobody knows about your books? - I jumped into the pool of sharks and started to communicate with readers, and writers, on Facebook, LinkedIn, Goodreads and Twitter. Oh, yes, and I started blogging. I have joined discussion groups everywhere and am rather enjoying it.  Only now I feel that I spend far more time on the internet than I am actually writing. Not very satisfying for a writer, I dare say. Of course, I have met some great people on these social media sites, who not only are supporting me in what I am writing but also are giving me all the advice I need to develop my writing skills.
The other day, I packed some books into a carrier bag and marched into local bookshops asking if they were interested in promoting me as a local writer and sell my book. Now, that was easy and fun! Yes, they were. ..
Wouldn't it be a great idea for some clever kids out there to found a marketing company to advertise books for self-publishing writers on social media? I had some offers from individuals but they were far too expensive and some of them came across too dodgy to be trusted. If somebody out there likes my idea, get back to me....or rather: do it. It surely is a market niche.